Piquadro SpA for the dissemination of the Regulated Information has chosen the electronic system called the eMarket SDIR system, operated by Teleborsa S.r.l established in Piazza di Priscilla 4, Rome.
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Piquadro SpA for the dissemination of the Regulated Information has chosen the electronic system called the eMarket SDIR system, operated by Teleborsa S.r.l established in Piazza di Priscilla 4, Rome.
REGULATED INFORMATION Piquadro SpA for the dissemination of the Regulated Information has chosen the electronic system called the eMarket SDIR system, operated by Teleborsa S.r.l established in Piazza di Priscilla 4, Rome Documents 342cs piquadro spa deposito documentazione assemblea ordinaria azionisti 2023
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